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Christopher Greene, PT, DPT • October 12, 2020

Pain sitting at your desk?

Neck pain? Low back pain? Mid back/ shoulders bothering you?

Try these activities 2-3x per day in between phone calls and emails to prevent common aches and pains.

Desk posture is otherwise known as upper crossed syndrome, meaning an imbalance of muscle strength and flexibility. Including stiffness in our chest muscles, and over stretched/ weaker mid/ abdominal muscle. As we get into our professions or work from home, we all can get glued to our desk at times. To prevent upper crossed syndrome from turning into a back ache, rotator cuff impingement pain or stiff neck causing a headache; be sure to stand up periodically, and get into a positions that are the opposite to that of what we fall into when we javascript:void('Cut')get distracted from what our bodies need!

Chest Stretches
Neck Stretches
Leg Stretches

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